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В этой ветке обсуждаются только Firefox Nightly и Firefox Developer Edition (бывшая Aurora). Внимание! Это тестовые версии. Предназначены для разработчиков и тестировщиков. ЕСЛИ ВЫ НЕ ЯВЛЯЕТЕСЬ НИ РАЗРАБОТЧИКОМ, НИ ТЕСТИРОВЩИКОМ, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, НЕ УСТАНАВЛИВАЙТЕ ЭТИ ВЕРСИИ!
Предыдущая тема тестирования Firefox 4 - http://forum.mozilla-russia.org/viewtopic.php?id=21977
Do not meddle in the affairs of Wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
Это происходит из-за восстановление сессии.
ммм спасиб, но все равно баг это. После закрытия получилось 2 одинаковых... вместо 12-ти
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Починка браузера. Перенос своих настроек на новый профиль.
feas, Bug 1081135 - Restore Previous Session opens multiple instances и после сегодняшнего обновления окон стало больше. Было 2 теперь 4.
Отредактировано Artem_S (11-10-2014 16:51:54)
Лучше один раз увидеть, чем прочитать много букв.
feas, Bug 1081135 - Restore Previous Session opens multiple instances и после сегодняшнего обновления окон стало больше. Было 2 теперь 4.
Отредактировано Artem_S (Сегодня 16:51:54)
уже заметил
Добро пожаловать на форум mozilla-russia.org. Здесь вы можете посоветоваться или обратиться за помощью к фанатам и пользователям продуктов Мозиллы. Если не знаете как правильно оформить пост специально для вас расписан пункт 2.2 правил форума
Сброс на примере Firefox – лёгкое решение большинства проблем
Починка браузера. Перенос своих настроек на новый профиль.
Было 2 теперь 4
У меня только 3 почему-то?
Добавлено 11-10-2014 23:53:36
Зато их можно теперь закрывать по-одному, без закрытия остальных. А то одно закрывал, а с ним и остальные схлопывались.
Отредактировано voqabuhe (11-10-2014 23:53:36)
У меня весь день сегодня крашится фокс.
Компьютер ─ устройство, разработанное для ускорения и автоматизации человеческих ошибок
Hi Halibut,
I've been busy the last couple of weeks rewriting Redirect Cleaner from scratch in order to make it work with e10s - successfully I hope!
This is what I've just written another user of Redirect Cleaner regarding the new version:
> I've been busy the last couple of weeks working on the new version! :-)
> I've looked into all three kinds of add-ons - classic XUL based add-ons, restartless add-ons without SDK and restartless add-ons with SDK. All three types of add-ons can work with e10s, but also have their pros and cons.
> The problem with classic XUL based add-ons is, that they don't support Android. The problem with the SDK at the moment in my opinion is, that it's neither easier to develop an add-on nor does it support SeaMonkey. So I've decided to write Redirect Cleaner from scratch - this time restartless (without SDK) and supporting Firefox 31+, SeaMonkey 2.29+ and Android 31+.
> Thanks for pointing me in the right direction with "http-on-modify-request". Especially your hint about the function nsIHttpChannel.redirectTo() was very helpful! When I worked on Redirect Cleaner 2.0.0 a few years back when Firefox 4 was about to get released, I've already looked at "http-on-modify-request". But back then I wasn't able to redirect the channel to the cleaned URL - all I managed to do back then was to stop the request, but I did not manage to create a new channel with the cleaned URL.
> The function nsIHttpChannel.redirectTo() was not available back then. It got introduced in Firefox 20 - I think. Now with this new builtin function it's actually quite simple to rewrite the request and redirect it to the cleaned URL.
> All the basics should already be up and running in the new version. So please install the new version, test it and of course give me some feedback!
> It is recommended that you install the new version in a new profile. However, it should be also save to install it in your current profile. But if you install it in your current profile, please open the inline options for Redirect Cleaner in the Add-ons Manager and reset / empty your blacklist and whitelist.
> The format for the blacklist / whitelist has changed significantly: In Redirect Cleaner 2 it was link-based - meaning you could blacklist / whitelist certain links on certains domains. Like all links on archive.org or all links containing facebook.com or twitter.com.
> Now Redirect Cleaner 3 works request-based - meaning Redirect Cleaner doesn't listen for link clicks anymore. Instead it hooks into the actual request to the server. And as such both blacklist and whitelist can now be used to always allow / always deny certain requests.
> At the moment both blacklist and whitelist are regular expressions, so you can use something like this in the whitelist, in order to prevent requests containing archive.org, digg.com, facebook.com and twitter.com from being cleaned:
>> (archive.org|digg.com|facebook.com|twitter.com)
> The whitelist should work like: If Redirect Cleaner is "enabled", clean all requests by default except requests matching the regular expression of the whitelist. The blacklist should work like: If Redirect Cleaner is "disabled", don't clean any requests by default except requests matching the regular expression of the blacklist.
> In other words: All requests matching the regular expression of the whitelist, will never be cleaned. All requests matchng the regular expression of the blacklist will always be cleaned. All other requests will be cleaned / not be cleaned depending on whether Redirect Cleaner is enabled or disabled.
> The SeaMonkey version of Redirect Cleaner is lacking a toolbarbutton, because it is far too complicated to implement this. Of course the Android version of Redirect Cleaner doesn't have a toolbarbutton, too.
> Again, please install the attached version of Redirect Cleaner 3.0.0b1, test it and of course give me some feedback! If you have a smartphone with Android and Firefox, please install Redirect Cleaner 3.0.0b1 there, too.Best regards,
That Cyrillic symbols are now working is actually a side-effect of the new approach. Redirect Cleaner 2 hooked into several Firefox functions in order to listen for click events and to also show the cleaned link in the statusbar. And by doing so it accidentally broke the display of Cyrillic symbols in the statusbar.
Now Redirect Cleaner 3 hooks into the requests to the server on the network level. So there is no need to listen for click events or to show the cleaned link. From the user point of view everything is done automatically hidden in the background. And as a side-effect displaying Cyrillic symbols doesn't get broken!
Well, I've tested e10s here and I've also tested the new version on Android, where separate processes are already being used from the very beginning, so I don't think there will be any surprises... But then again to be really sure we just have to wait until the development of e10s is finished.
At the moment there are some so called "shims" enabled for backward compatibility, so some old add-ons can work more easily for a limited period of time until the shims get removed from Firefox. Unfortunately some of them can't be disabled at the moment. So there is no way of knowing whether it will work without the shims right now.
Thanks again for testing the new version. And if you continue to use it, please report any problem you might encounter! At the moment I am planning on releasing the new version at some time in December - because I am on vacation in November.
Arch Linux && :::: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:36.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/36.0 (tinderbox-build) && TabMixPlus(включен принудительный однооконный режим) - вместо кучи новых окон при старте/рестарте открывает одну дополнительную пустую вкладку
Отредактировано =Agasfer= (14-10-2014 16:06:58)
Arch Linux & xmonad
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P.S. Хотя и через самолетик тоже работает
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Do you feel lucky, punk?