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№110-08-2006 07:31:47

Группа: Members
Зарегистрирован: 20-11-2005
Сообщений: 77

Умерла после обновления :/

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a = lines.pop(); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var ary = lines[i].match(/^([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) (.*)$/); if (ary) { var chan = new ChannelEntry(toUnicode(ary[1], "UTF-8"), ary[2], toUnicode(ary[3], "UTF-8")); channels.push(chan); } } } var dataLeft = state.loadFile.inputStream.available(); var pro = state.loadedSoFar / (state.loadedSoFar + dataLeft); pro = Math.round(100 * pro); updateProgress(getMsg(MSG_CD_LOADED, channels.length), pro); // Done if there is no more data, and we're not *expecting* any more. if ((dataLeft == 0) && !state.loadNeverComplete) setSubstate(SUBSTATE_END); } } function doCurrentStatusEnd() { // Reset refresh button. if ((state.state == STATE_LIST_AND_LOAD) || (state.state == STATE_LIST_THEN_LOAD)) document.getElementById("refreshNow").disabled = false; // Check that /list finished ok if we're just doing a list. if (state.state == STATE_LIST_THEN_LOAD) { if ("error" in network._list) { updateProgress(MSG_CD_ERROR_LIST); // Can't seem to "undefine" the parameters using the function format. setTimeout("updateProgress()", 10000); // Bail out if there was an error! return; } else { // Replace files. updateProgress(); } } // Finish file handling work. if ((state.state == STATE_LOAD) || (state.state == STATE_LIST_AND_LOAD)) { if (channels.length > 0) channelTreeView.childData.appendChildren(channels); state.loadFile.close(); delete state.loadFile; delete state.loadPendingData; delete state.loadChunk; delete state.loadedSoFar; delete state.loadNeverComplete; updateProgress(); runFilter(); } if (state.state == STATE_LIST_THEN_LOAD) setState(STATE_LOAD); else setState(STATE_IDLE); } function getListFile(temp) { var file = new LocalFile(network.prefs["logFileName"]); if (temp) file.localFile.leafName = "list.temp"; else file.localFile.leafName = "list.txt"; return file.localFile; } // Tree ChannelEntry objects // function ChannelEntry(name, users, topic) { this.setColumnPropertyName("chanColName", "name"); this.setColumnPropertyName("chanColUsers", "users"); this.setColumnPropertyName("chanColTopic", "topic"); // Nuke color codes and bold etc. topic = topic.replace(/[\x1F\x02\x0F\x16]/g, ""); topic = topic.replace(/\x03\d{1,2}(?:,\d{1,2})?/g, ""); this.name = name; this.users = users; this.topic = topic; } ChannelEntry.prototype = new XULTreeViewRecord(channelTreeShare); ChannelEntry.prototype.sortCompare = function chanentry_sortcmp(a, b) { var sc = a._share.sortColumn; var sd = a._share.sortDirection; // Make sure the special 'first' row is always first. if ("first" in a) return -1; if ("first" in b) return 1; if (sc == "users") { // Force a numeric comparison. a = 1 * a[sc]; b = 1 * b[sc]; } else { // Case-insensitive, please. a = a[sc].toLowerCase(); b = b[sc].toLowerCase(); } if (a < b) return -1 * sd; if (a > b) return 1 * sd; return 0; } PK

Вот это мне стало выдавать во все вкладки после обновления с *7.4 yf *7.5  (mandriva linux  Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ru-RU; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050920)

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ru; rv: Gecko/20071103 Firefox/



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