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№106-04-2006 17:09:06

Хитрый Лис
Группа: Extensions
Откуда: Msk
Зарегистрирован: 02-04-2006
Сообщений: 4341

Wizz RSS News Reader

Wizz RSS News Reader

Размер: 203,8 Кбайт
Автор расширения: Mike Kroger
Домашняя страница: http://www.wizzrss.com/WizzRss.php
addons.mozilla.org: https://addons.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/addon/424
Перевод: stoneflash
Дата последнего обновления: 20.12.2007
Совместимоcть: ffico.png 2.0 - 3.0a4

Описание: Хороший клиент новостей в формате RSS и Atom.

* Поддержка всех версий RSS.
* Поддержка Atom 0.3 и 1.0.
* Поддержка Podcast (Вложенных) лент.
* Поддержка Протокола лент новостей.
* Поддержка сжатия GZIP (Для лент, сжатых gzip).
* Фильтр новостей по фразам или словам.
* Поиск лент - Находит ленты и OPML, с правильными MIME-типами.
* Возможность хранения лент на удаленном сервере.
* Функция Быстрого чтения ленты для предварительного просмотра перед её добавлением.
* Объединенный Список Просмотра для контроля лент (Мониторинг за лентами через определённый интервал).
* Список Просмотра может уведомлять и сохранять новые элементы ленты новостей.
* Поддержка импорта и экспорта OPML  (Импортируют OPML из локального файла на удалённый сервер).
* Функция скрытия прочтённых элементов.
* Возможность хранения лент на сервере для доступа к ним с любого компьютера.
* Возможность публикации Ваших лент на любом веб-сайте.
* Встроенная возможность отправки лент и новостей по E-mail (через SMTP).
* Встроенный поиск в Google.
* Встроенный поиск в Feedster.
* Встроенные прогнозы погоды.
* Удобная проверка почты на GMail.
* Online-справка.



Обуждение расширения

Отредактировано stoneflash (20-12-2007 19:34:16)

«I actually hate programming, but I love solving problems» © Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP's Creator



№208-04-2006 16:42:39

Хитрый Лис
Группа: Extensions
Откуда: Msk
Зарегистрирован: 02-04-2006
Сообщений: 4341

Re: Wizz RSS News Reader

Новое в версии

Исправлено: Конфликт с Bookmark Duplicate Detector 0.3.0.
Изменено: Код для включения функции построковой локализации.
Добавлено: Функция открытия непрочтённых позиций в новых вкладках. Она открывает сразу 15 непрочтённых позиций в новых вкладках. По просьбе Marco Vasconcelos.

«I actually hate programming, but I love solving problems» © Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP's Creator



№321-05-2006 22:26:10

Хитрый Лис
Группа: Extensions
Откуда: Msk
Зарегистрирован: 02-04-2006
Сообщений: 4341

Re: Wizz RSS News Reader

Новое в версии 2.1.3

# Added ru-RU locale support. Thanks to stoneflash for the translation.
# Added context menus to the verbose description areas. Requested by Dav4is.
# Fixed keyword bug that was causing URLs typed into the address bar to redirect to the XML URL. Reported by kiuze and others.
# Fixed bug where quotes (") in URL strings was causing the restore from server function to fall over. Reported by Mario Sundar.
# Fixed bug in site publication back-end code where URLs were not being passed correctly.
# Updated the de-De locale. Thanks again to 0815horst for the translation.
# Added functionality to clear the verbose description when items are cleared.
# Added functionality to clear the verbose description when a new feed is selected. Requested by Craig.
# Added functionality to keep verbose description in sync. with currently selected item. Requested by Craig.
# Fixed bug where the download window wouldn't close when downloading timed-out. Reported by Eugene.
# Fixed bug where relative item/enclosure URLs could not be marked as read/unread. Reported by Eugene.
# Opening an article on a new tab (By either middle clicking or by selecting Open on New Tab from the context menu) will now also make the new tab the tompmost (focused) tab. Requested by Marc Gorenstein.
# Hovering the mouse over an item will now also display the item's title in a tooltip. This will only happen when the title is cropped (i.e. Is showing ellipisis at the end of the title). Requested by Marc Gorenstein.
# Fixed bug where keyboard navigation of items in the View Items window, when opened from the sidebar/window toolbar, wasn't marking items as read.
# Added a very simple interface to tie into the experimental feed subscription service of Bon Echo Alpha 2 (To use this feature you'll need to bump maxVersion to 2.0a2). about:config settings are: -
-- browser.contentHandlers.types.n.title - Wizz RSS News Reader (Or whatever you'd like to put in there).
-- browser.contentHandlers.types.n.type - application/vnd.mozilla.maybe.feed
-- browser.contentHandlers.types.n.uri - chrome://wizzrss/content/addfeed.xul?url=%s
# Changed the way in which the Watch List writes cache information to disk. Which should (I hope) have a significant impact on the "freezing problem."
# Added functionality to optionally play a sound (User selected .wav file) when the Watch List finds new items. Requested by many.

«I actually hate programming, but I love solving problems» © Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP's Creator



№421-06-2006 23:39:19

Хитрый Лис
Группа: Extensions
Откуда: Msk
Зарегистрирован: 02-04-2006
Сообщений: 4341

Re: Wizz RSS News Reader

What's new:

# Fixed a silly bug with the Quick Read function that has gone unnoticed for ages.
# Added functionality to clear the verbose description when feeds are quick read.
# Added functionality to support middle clicking on the enclosure popup menu. Middle clicking items on the enclosure popup menu will now open those items on a new tab. I've no idea how this popup managed to miss the "middle-click treatment" for so long.
# Fixed Watch List Save Path bug. Reported by TheHollies
# Added functionality to optionally focus on a newly opened tab. By default, newly opened tabs will not be focused. So the default behavior, when opening news articles on a new tab, will revert to the way it was before 2.1.3.
# Added functionality to optionally hide the Verbose Description pane. Requested by many.
# Added functionality to validate feeds through feedvalidator.org. The feed validation functionality is available from the Category/Channel tree context menu.
# Added functionality to add feeds, from the Category/Channel tree, to Feedbase.
# Fixed the "Firefox does not know how to open this program because the protocol wizzhttp is not associated with any application" bug. Reported by Dave.
# Fixed the xml:base bug in Atom 1.0 feeds. Reported by Alex Dannenberg.
# Added a "Copy Enclosure Link Location" function to the enclosure popup menu. Requested by jazzfido.
# Added access keys to the items on the enclosure popup menu.
# Fixed bug where deleting the Watch List log required a Firefox restart to re-enable logging.
# Updated ja-JP locale. Thanks to Haebaru at Babelzilla.
# Updated sk-SK locale. Thanks to Jacen at Babelzilla
# Added da-DK locale support. Thanks to AlleyKat at Babelzilla.
# Added pt-BR locale support. Thanks to peguca at Babelzilla.
# Updated fr-FR locale. Thanks to climenole at Babelzilla.
# Fixed a tiny bug with the item titles of some RSS feeds.
# Updated ru-RU locale. Thanks to stoneflash at Babelzilla.
# Updated de-DE locale. Thanks to 0815horst at Babelzilla.
# Fixed bug where the play sound option was being written even when no sound file was selected.
# Fixed bug where the description of Atom 1.0 feeds was not being displayed on the Channel Properties page.
# Fixed a few "uncaught exceptions."
# Added a third button that, like the toogle toolbar and the Wizz RSS buttons, can be added to any Firefox toolbar. The new button opens the Watch List View Items window. This was requested by someone, but I can't remember who :)

«I actually hate programming, but I love solving problems» © Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP's Creator



№515-07-2006 12:25:07

Хитрый Лис
Группа: Extensions
Откуда: Msk
Зарегистрирован: 02-04-2006
Сообщений: 4341

Re: Wizz RSS News Reader

Версия: 2.1.5
What's new:

# Fixed up a few strings that missed localization.
# Added el-GR locale support. Thanks to Sonickydon at Babelzilla.
# Added es-ES locale support. Thanks to PAGF_LINUX at Babelzilla.
# Added es-AR locale support. Thanks to ZuGro at Babelzilla.
# Added functionality to visually differentiate between items that contain enclosures and those that don't. Items that contain enclosures will be shown in italics.
# Added functionality to play a single enclosure using the default m3u handler. Requested by jazzfido. I'm NOT going to support this function. If you don't know what a m3u handler is, or if you want to change your default m3u handler, or if your m3u handler doesn't render the enclosure correctly, you can contact jazzfido at...
# Added functionality to play all enclosures as a single m3u playlist, using the default m3u handler. Requested by jazzfido. I'm NOT going to support this function either. If you need help with the function, please see the listing just above this one.
# Added it-IT locale support. Thanks to MatrixIsAllOver and Ginex at Babelzilla.
# Added fi-FI locale support. Thanks to reptail at Babelzilla.
# Added functionality to the Feed Search so that it'll also seach the content documents of frames and iframes.
# Fixed up the verbose description pane so that HTML links in the description will also follow the "Focus newly opened tab" option.
# Fixed up the preview all window so that HTML links in the description will also follow the "Focus newly opened tab" option.
# Added "not" functionality to the filter function. Requested by many. To apply "not" filtering, precede the filter criterion with an exclamation mark. e.g. !sport will return all items that DO NOT contain the word "sport" and !world&cup will return all items that DO NOT contain the phrase "world cup"
# Added functionality to optionally specify a shortcut key modifier.
# Fixed shortcut key bug where hitting Alt + T on an item heading would try to open the heading in a new tab.
# Fixed shortcut key bug where hitting Alt + S on an item heading would try to email the heading.
# Fixed shortcut key bug where Alt + A refused to add a category to the root of the Category/Channel tree.
# Fixed shortcut key bug where Alt + A refused to add a category as a child of the currently selected category.
# Created access key entities so that all access keys can be correctly localized.
# Added functionality to render all image enclosures on a single HTML page. Requested by mod_wastrel.
# Thanks to MatrixIsAllOver (AKA Luana) a few more strings that missed localization have now been localized.
# Added functionality to import Live Bookmarks (Not localized yet). Request by nirvana and others.
# Added functionality to search Feedbase (Not localized yet). The search will return a feed (Meta feed?) containing information about feeds found in the Feedbase database that match supplied criteria.

«I actually hate programming, but I love solving problems» © Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP's Creator



№613-09-2006 17:02:26

Хитрый Лис
Группа: Extensions
Откуда: Msk
Зарегистрирован: 02-04-2006
Сообщений: 4341

Re: Wizz RSS News Reader

What's new:

Version is EXACTLY the same as version 2.1.5. It has only been repacked to add support for Firefox 2.0b2.

Отредактировано stoneflash (13-10-2006 22:07:03)

«I actually hate programming, but I love solving problems» © Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP's Creator



№714-10-2006 10:50:46

Хитрый Лис
Группа: Extensions
Откуда: Msk
Зарегистрирован: 02-04-2006
Сообщений: 4341

Re: Wizz RSS News Reader

What's new:

Version is EXACTLY the same as versions 2.1.5 and It has only been repacked to add support for Firefox 2.0.0.*.

«I actually hate programming, but I love solving problems» © Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP's Creator



№818-10-2006 20:07:41

Хитрый Лис
Группа: Extensions
Откуда: Msk
Зарегистрирован: 02-04-2006
Сообщений: 4341

Re: Wizz RSS News Reader

Версия: 2.1.6
What's new:

# Fixed up all the bits 'n pieces that missed localization in 2.1.5.
# Moved the show/hide read items functionality from the Options window to buttons at the top of the Sidebar/Window and the View Items window. Suggested/Requested by Edward Dallas. I think it makes the show/hide read items functionality MUCH more accessible, and Edward, it makes a lot of sense :)
# Enhanced the Feedster search interface to include Feedster search options.
# Bumped maxVersion to 2.0.0.*
# Fixed bug where Feed Search wouldn't display feeds for links that didn't have a title attribute. Reported by mrspeaker.
# Fixed bug where GUID tag, without isPermaLink attribute set to true, was, in some cases, being used as the news item URL. Reported by PeterBLN.
# Added functionality to include a link to enclosures for items shared via email. Requested by PeterBLN.
# REALLY fixed the xml:base bug this time. Reported by tmalaher.
# Added functionality to support Ctrl + Left Click to open pages on a new tab. Suggested by ChrisM.
# Added be-BY locale support. Thanks to DRKA at Babelzilla.
# Added af-ZA locale support. Thanks to leuce at Babelzilla.
# Put the fi-FI server-side strings online.

«I actually hate programming, but I love solving problems» © Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP's Creator



№928-01-2007 23:25:10

Хитрый Лис
Группа: Extensions
Откуда: Msk
Зарегистрирован: 02-04-2006
Сообщений: 4341
UA: Firefox 2.0

Re: Wizz RSS News Reader

Версия: 2.1.7
What's new:

* Fixed an Atom bug related to xml:base. Reported by ballman. Hopefully I now have this damn xml:base thing sorted!
* Fixed another Atom bug (Found while fixing the bug reported by ballman) but I can't remember which one it was.
* Fixed the Options page so that the correct (The currently selected) modifier key is shown on the options tab.
* Fixed file name bug when saving a single enclosure. Reported by RogerTCB.
* Updated the da-DK locale. Thanks to AlleyKat at Babelzilla.
* Fixed the text/html bug in Feed Search. Reported by Mato.
* Updated the feed handler interface and made it simpler to use. Now use drag and drop to add a feed or to preview a feed.

«I actually hate programming, but I love solving problems» © Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP's Creator



№1011-04-2007 19:06:26

Хитрый Лис
Группа: Extensions
Откуда: Msk
Зарегистрирован: 02-04-2006
Сообщений: 4341
UA: Minefield 3.0

Re: Wizz RSS News Reader

Версия: 2.1.8
What's new:

* Updated the code so that server save, server restore, weather, etc., etc. tie into the wizzrss.com domain.
* Added a "Get channel name from feed" option on the Add Channel window. This is something that someone requested/suggested ages ago and I forgot to do it.
* Modified the Watch List save code so that saved items are written to sub-folders named like the feed name. Before the change, sub-folders were named according to the domain they were derived from, which was a little confusing when trying to look up items for offline reading. I hope this change works with non-English feeds on non-English operating systems.
* Added view "Saved Items" functionality. The new functionality will list any saved items and, when clicked, will attempt to render the saved items through Friefox. This should make Wizz RSS a slightly more useful offline reader.
* Re-enabled the feedback page on the new domain.
* Fixed options bug. When the Options window was opened from the "mini-toolbar", changing various options wouldn't perform the desired function and the Options window wouldn't close when clicking the OK button.
* Added tabs to the Wizz RSS sidebar/window. I have put the Watch List Items (i.e. Items found by the Watch List) on one tab and the new Saved Items onto another tab. I think this makes everything a little more accessible and a lot easier to work with.
* Fixed those damn popup menus that refused to close.
* Fixed bug where sharing an item via email from the description panel wasn't working.
* Removed the Import Private List option from the Options etc. menu. I'm pretty sure that no one needs it anymore.
* Added functionality to mark items from a single feed as read or unread when viewing items from multiple feeds in the Item Pane. Requested by VJ.
* Thanks to rssuser, a "silly" with the Watch List code was fixed. The fix should make Watch List execution a bit faster and a little less memory intensive.
* Fixed a little bug on the Search Feedbase window where the order option "None" was shown twice.
* Fixed scripting vulnerability.

«I actually hate programming, but I love solving problems» © Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP's Creator



№1112-04-2007 16:39:10

Хитрый Лис
Группа: Extensions
Откуда: Msk
Зарегистрирован: 02-04-2006
Сообщений: 4341
UA: Minefield 3.0

Re: Wizz RSS News Reader

Версия: 2.1.9
What's new:

# I have attempted to standardize the look and feel of Wizz RSS. I tried this once before and it was a dismal failure. Hopefully this time I've been a bit smarter. The reason? Some themes look great but aspects of the theme might not suit aspects of Wizz RSS. Another huge problem is that many themes are incomplete. So hopefully my efforts will keep Wizz RSS looking acceptable, regardless of the theme you are using. Things like scrollbars, buttons, checkboxes, etc. will still follow the installed theme, while tabs, text colours, groupboxes, background colours, splitters, etc. will (Hopefully) remain constant.
# Added functionality to "remember" which tab had focus when the sidebar/window is closed. Requested by many different people.
# Added functionality to hide the Wizz RSS tab's mini-toolbar. Double-click on a empty part of the mini-toolbar, and it'll be hidden, leaving a 4px high placeholder in it's place. Double-click the placeholder and the mini-toolbar will be redisplayed. Wizz RSS will also "remember" the hidden/not-hidden state of the mini-toolbar. Requested by ChrisM and GismoDFW.
# Added functionality to hide the Found Items tab's mini-toolbar. It works in exactly the same way as hiding the Wizz RSS tab's mini-toolbar. Requested by ChrisM and GismoDFW.
# Added functionality to hide the tabs in the sidebar/window. Double-click anywhere on the tabs and they will be hidden, leaving a 4px high placeholder in their place. Double-click the placeholder and the tabs will be redisplayed. Wizz RSS will also "remember" the hidden/not-hidden state of the tabs. Requested by ChrisM and GismoDFW.
# Changed the Watch List "Notify" action to "Find". This was done in an attempt to undo some of the confusion surrounding the Watch List. Many people think/thought that the "Notify" action only pops up some-or-other notification to indicate that new items have been found. Of course it does a lot more than that. Watch List feeds currently having an action of "Notify" will automatically be changed to "Find".
# Reinstated the "clickability" of the Watch List "found new items alert thingy." Requested by cbmanica.
# Many thanks to Jefferson Ogata (NOAA Computer Incident Response Team) for his *invaluable* input with regard fixing various cross-site scripting vulnerabilities.
# Removed the "fix" for ensuring that popup menus close. There were two reasons for this: Firstly, it causes problems with Firefox 3.0a1. Secondly, many people complained that popup menus where disappearing too quickly.
# Added functionality to check how long it takes to load Watch List Found Items. If it takes longer than two seconds, an alert will be displayed recommending that the Watch List cache be cleared.
# Some themes where not allowing font size changes to be displayed correctly. I think I have now rectified the problem.
# Bumped maxVersion to 3.0a1. Maybe a few of you would like to test with Gran Paradiso?

«I actually hate programming, but I love solving problems» © Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP's Creator



№1217-05-2007 17:22:47

Хитрый Лис
Группа: Extensions
Откуда: Msk
Зарегистрирован: 02-04-2006
Сообщений: 4341
UA: Minefield 3.0

Re: Wizz RSS News Reader

Что нового:

* Fixed up the theme problem where black text was being displayed on a dark blue background. Reported by ohloloo, KosciaK and others.
* Fixed up the problem where some item URLs where being too aggressively "sanitized." Reported by yuspam.
* Changed the error message for feeds that contain no items. Before, Wizz RSS would report an invalid XML, which of course is incorrect. Feeds containing no items will now be reported with a "No items found in feed" message, while invalid XML will display the same invalid error message. Reported by Robert Harm I think.
* I have finally relented (After MUCH pressure) and I've added a new visual Watch List notification. The Watch List, when it finds new items, will now display an icon on the Firefox status bar. The icon used is the same as that used to indicate unread items. i.e. The green dot. Clicking the icon on the Firefox status bar will open Wizz RSS in a sidebar or window, depending on your option settings. NO MORE NOTIFICATION METHODS WILL BE ADDED, otherwise Firefox will light up like a Christmas tree when new items are found!
* Added functionality to clear the description pane on the Found Items tab when the Watch List cache is cleared. Requested by Robert Harm (This time I'm sure).
* Fixed a bug that caused the quick read function to fail when reading a feed with no title.

«I actually hate programming, but I love solving problems» © Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP's Creator



№1311-06-2007 21:15:39

Хитрый Лис
Группа: Extensions
Откуда: Msk
Зарегистрирован: 02-04-2006
Сообщений: 4341
UA: Minefield 3.0

Re: Wizz RSS News Reader

Что нового:

* Added tooltip text to the status bar button. This was requested by someone, but I can't remember who.
* Fixed a bug with the Saved Items tab. The tab's selected status wouldn't persist if no items had been saved by the Watch List.
* Fixed and changed quite a few things with the Share via Email functionality. Share via Email should work with Qmail SMTP servers now. Thanks to LoneStar for input, feedback and testing.
* Fixed a problem where an observer wasn't being removed correctly. This was causing a minor memory leak.
* Added functionality to focus the Firefox window when clicking the link on the Watch List alert. Requested by cbmanica.
* Added functionality to synchronize the display of the "green dot" on the status bar button across multiple instances of Firefox. The red border around the Watch List button is also synchronised. Requested by Eskimo.

Что нового:

* Fixed a bug where the "Get channel name from feed" option on the Add Channel form wasn't always working.
* Changed some of the functionality around adding feeds (Both drag and drop, and using the Add Channel form). The throbber on the Wizz RSS mini-toolbar will now animate while adding a feed.
* Changed the XMLHTTPRequest in the checkfeed function to make it asynchronous. The change should remedy the situation where Firefox becomes unresponsive when adding feeds that point at slow remote hosts.
* Added functionality to process pubDate tags in RSS feeds and published tags in Atom feeds. Currently there is no logic behind any of the dates, they will only be displayed.
* Fixed a little Atom parsing bug (Damn Atom! It's such a pain in the arse!).
* Fixed a bug where the verbose description was not being displayed when using the keyboard to navigate feed items.
* Added functionality to produce a feed preview when double-clicking a feed title in the item list. The feed preview will only include items that "belong" to the clicked title. The functionality is the same for both the Wizz RSS tab and the Found Items tab.
* Added abort functionality to the throbber. Clicking the throbber on the Wizz RSS tab, while it is animated, will abort the current feed read process. Requested by KosciaK and others.
* Finally managed to fix the irritating bug where the scrollbar on the Item list would sometimes not scroll to the top when reading a new feed.

«I actually hate programming, but I love solving problems» © Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP's Creator



№1413-06-2007 16:58:14

Хитрый Лис
Группа: Extensions
Откуда: Msk
Зарегистрирован: 02-04-2006
Сообщений: 4341
UA: Minefield 3.0

Re: Wizz RSS News Reader

Что нового:

# Made some changes to the preview page to better accommodate custom CSS. Got rid of the <fieldset> and <legend> elements and also removed the hard-coded <b> </b> around the feed title.
# Added functionality to open the preview page on a new tab. Ctrl + double-click or double-middle-click will now open the preview page on a new tab. Requested by VJ.
# Changed the way in which the status bar button works. Now, rather than displaying an empty button, it will be hidden. The status bar button, with it's green dot, will now only be displayed when the Watch List finds new items.
# Changed the tooltip text for the status bar button to read, "The Watch List has found new items."
# Fixed the wizzrss.properties file for the be-BY locale. I never encoded the file correctly and it has probably never worked correctly. Sorry be-BY people (sheepish grin).
# Stripped out the old "Preview All" functionality in favor of the new preview functionality.
# Stripped out all obsolete localization entities and property strings.
# Fixed bug where a property string for the Search Feedster form was missing from all locales except en-US.

«I actually hate programming, but I love solving problems» © Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP's Creator



№1530-07-2007 01:22:14

Хитрый Лис
Группа: Extensions
Откуда: Msk
Зарегистрирован: 02-04-2006
Сообщений: 4341
UA: Minefield 3.0

Re: Wizz RSS News Reader

Что нового:

* Applied some of the new stuff from 2.9.0 (3.0.0 Beta 1).
* Threw out the ugly, clunky and buggy feed parsing code and tied into the Firefox feed content API, which fixes a few bugs.
* Fixed a bug where feed home URLs where not being stored correctly when reading all feeds in a category.
* Added a "Run Once" button to the mini-toolbar on the Found Items tab. Requested by KosciaK.
* Added a "Start Watch List" button to the mini-toolbar on the Found Items tab. Requested by KosciaK.
* Added a "Stop Watch List" button to the mini-toolbar on the Found Items tab. Requested by KosciaK.
* Added a cursor: pointer; style to the "The Watch List has found new items" button on the statusbar.
* Removed the Watch List throbber from the Wizz RSS toolbar. It has been replaced with a throbber that will be displayed on the Firefox statusbar, ONLY when the Watch List is busy checking feeds for new items.
* Removed the Watch List running indicator (i.e. the green border) from the Watch List button on the Wizz RSS toolbar. It has been replaced with a green checkmark icon that will be displayed on the Firefox statusbar, ONLY when the Watch List is active.
* Removed the Watch List found new items indicator (i.e. the red border) from the Watch List button on the Wizz RSS toolbar. It hasn't been replaced with anything because there are already a whole pile of "found new items" indicators.
* Changed the Watch List code so that watched feeds will be read in series rather than in parallel. This should make running the Watch List less resource intensive, but it also makes it slower.

«I actually hate programming, but I love solving problems» © Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP's Creator



№1620-12-2007 19:59:34

Хитрый Лис
Группа: Extensions
Откуда: Msk
Зарегистрирован: 02-04-2006
Сообщений: 4341
UA: Minefield 3.0

Re: Wizz RSS News Reader

Что нового:

# Hooked into the Outbrain API to display star ratings. Star ratings will be displayed on the preview page.
# Added an option so that displaying Outbrain star ratings can optionally be disabled.
# Fixed conflict with Firefly. Reported by DaveW.
# Fixed text wrapping problem. Quite a few people have reported a "wrapping problem," but I only got to understand the problem through discussion with Prognatus. So Prognatus gets credit for reporting the problem :)
# Added functionality to automatically focus on pages opened by Wizz RSS. Requested by Prognatus.
# Added functionality to the clear Watch List cache warning, so that the cache can be cleared from the warning alert. Requested by cbmanica.
# Finally managed to work out how to digitally sign the Wizz RSS XPI. From now on, all releases of Wizz RSS will be signed.
# Added an option to run the Watch List process in parallel. The default will be to run the Watch List process in series. Some people see high CPU usage when running the Watch List in series, while others see high CPU usage when running the Watch List in parallel. I guess people will just have to work out which of of the two best suits their particular hardware configuration.
# Changed the default value for the shortcut key combination that toggles the sidebar. The default value is now Alt+Q.
# Added functionality to support Command+Left-click to open feed items on a new tab. I wasn't aware of the fact that Ctrl+Left-click didn't work on a Mac. Thanks to Will Park for educating me.

Добавлено Thu Dec 20 20:00:06 2007 :
Что нового:

# Hooked the Outbrain star ratings into the Outbrain production server.
# Fixed up the character encoding problem on the preview page. Indirectly reported by Zios.
# Rolled back the focus change implemented in Automatically setting the focus to the opened page caused too many problems. Sorry Prognatus :)
# Redesigned all of the feed reading functionality so that it makes use of parseAsync() calls in the Firefox feed parsing API. Hopefully the Watch List will now run without killing Firefox.
# The redesign of the feed reading functionality also facilitated other changes which, hopefully, will improve the performance and reduce the resource overhead.
# Removed all of the Watch List logging functionality. Hopefully this'll also contribute to improved performance.
# Removed the "Run watch process in parallel" option. The Watch List will only run in parallel now.
# Fixed bug where marking a category as read or unread wasn't working correctly.
# This will probably be the last release of Wizz RSS for Firefox 2. From now on all development work will focus on getting Wizz RSS ready for Firefox 3. Please watch the Wizz RSS forum for Beta releases that'll run on Gran Paradiso 3.0a7.

Добавлено Thu Dec 20 20:00:24 2007 :
Что нового:

# Rolled back all of the feed reading functionality that tied into parseAsync(). It caused too many problems for too many people. So reverts to using parseFromString() as in version
# Fixed the memory leak reported by Elfan.
# Fixed the conflict with Hyperwords 2.8. Reported by Robert Grant.
# Fixed the bug where the Watch List would run forever. Thanks to hutters for his patience and assistance.
# Fixed the bug where adding a feed would cause the throbber to run forever. This bug is related to the bug reported by hutters.

Добавлено Thu Dec 20 20:00:37 2007 :
Что нового:

# Fixed the bug where enclosure feeds, not using a link tag within the item tag, were not being processed correctly. Reported by Christian.
# Fixed the bug where; when reading multiple feeds, if the last feed caused an error, none of the feed items were being displayed. Reported by many.
# Fixed the bug where hiding the mini-toolbars would collapse the toolbar placeholder to a height of 0px. This meant that the toolbar placeholder couldn't be double clicked to redisplay the mini-toolbar. Reported by pvwon.
# Small aesthetic "fix" to the Open/Close sidebar button.

«I actually hate programming, but I love solving problems» © Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP's Creator



№1729-08-2009 18:54:46

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Откуда: Moscow, Russia
Зарегистрирован: 23-01-2005
Сообщений: 14014
UA: Minefield 3.7

Re: Wizz RSS News Reader

Wizz RSS News Reader

Размер: 292,4 Кбайт
Автор расширения: Mike Kroger
Домашняя страница: http://www.wizzrss.com/WizzRss.php
Перевод на русский язык: есть
Дата последнего обновления: 11.08.2009
Совместимоcть: ffico.png 3.1b2 - 3.5.* 


История версий

Wizz RSS News Reader Lite (урезанная версия)

Через сомнения приходим к истине. Цицерон



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