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Проблемы с сайтами » PhP in Mozilla Firefox » 21-11-2006 20:01:26

Infant пишет

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hmm.. and you think it`s all? What i need to set in this and what remove to make cyrilic work?
and what you think about opinion of Lynn?

Lynn пишет

Ссылку на сайт, в студию.
Скорее всего не верны или отсутствуют нужные серверные заголовки.

sorry for my english

Проблемы с сайтами » PhP in Mozilla Firefox » 21-11-2006 19:23:35

site isn`t ready jet, bu i can give you way to one forum, where is the same problem.
push it=)

Проблемы с сайтами » PhP in Mozilla Firefox » 21-11-2006 19:06:37

We all know, that exists sites, where mozilla doesn`t work correctly. Cyrilic shown like "???????"
I make my own site, and i wanted to know, what i need to change in code or in  architecture of site, to make Mozilla work? I understand, this is not PhP forum, but if you can help, please tell.
You can answer in russian.

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