Описание: Расширение для просмотра и сохранения файлов формата MHT (веб-архивов).

Известные проблемы:

  • Если в качестве горячей клавиши для сохранения указать стандартное сочетание Ctrl+S, то одновременно с диалогом «Сохранить как MHT» будет появляться стандартный диалог сохранения файла.
  • Невозможно сохранить в формат MHT через стандартный диалог сохранения файла (сохраняется через «Файл → Сохранить как MHT» или контекстное меню).
  • Расширение конфликтует с IETab, если не удалить строку /^file:\/\/\/.*\.(mht|mhtml)$/ из фильтра IETab.
  • Firefox/Mozilla Suite не отвечают при распаковке больших файлов.
  • Если Content-Type файла обозначен как text/plain, то в процессе распаковки будет виден его исходный код.

Обсуждение расширения

Изменения в версии 4.6.0

[uli]Fixed both Built-in keyboard shortcut and UnMHT's one, when they are same.[/uli]
[uli]Italian locale is now included.[/uli]
[uli]Added [Save all tabs as MHT] command.[/uli]
[uli]Compatiblility with Thunderbird 2.0 (Save only).[/uli]
[uli]Fixed unable to use commands in File menu on SeaMonkey 2.0a.[/uli]
[uli]Fixed [Save as MHT] does not stop when the server does not respond at all.[/uli]
[uli]Add Content-Base support.[/uli]
[uli]Insert BASE element on [Current State] saving (resolve bug with MS-Word which cannot recognize relative link).[/uli]

Изменения в версии 4.6.2

[uli]Fixed it does not work when Java Quick Starter extension is installed.[/uli]

Изменения в версии 4.7.0

[uli]Fixed some entity references are not saved correctly in the charset which uses only 1 byte.[/uli]
[uli]Fixed failed to open MHT correctly when space is not exist after colon in Header field.[/uli]
[uli]Updated many locales.[/uli]
[uli]About [Save all tabs as MHT], set default of target directory to home directory.[/uli]
[uli]About [Save all tabs as MHT], confirm whether overwrite or not.[/uli]
[uli]Fixed unable to open MHT when System MIME-Type for MHT is not known.[/uli]

Изменения в версии 4.7.4

[uli]Updated some locales.[/uli]
[uli]Fixed failed to open MHT files on some environment.[/uli]
[uli]Spanish locale is now included.[/uli]

Изменения в версии 4.8.0

[uli]Add checkbox to select tabs to save on [Save all tabs as MHT].[/uli]
[uli]Add checkbox to rename filename when same filename is exist on [Save all tabs as MHT].[/uli]
[uli]Fixed directory name displayed incorrectly when it contains multibyte characters on [Save all tabs as MHT].[/uli]
[uli]Add preferences on statusbar menu.[/uli]
[uli]Vietnamese locale is now included.[/uli]
[uli]Updated many locales.[/uli]

Изменения в версии 4.9.1

[uli]Remember last selected type for [Save all tabs as MHT] dialog.[/uli]
[uli]Fixed [Insert URL as a COMMENT] does not work on [Original file] saving.[/uli]
[uli]Add checkbox to enable/disable cache expiration.[/uli]
[uli]Fixed [Original file] failed to save a page correctly with [Insert URL as a COMMENT] off.[/uli]

Изменения в версии 5.0.0

[uli]Add shortcut to preference dialog on [Tools] menu.[/uli]
[uli]Add partial support for MHT file exported by PowerPoint.[/uli]
[uli]Add Custom filename for saving MHT (experimental).[/uli]
[uli]Add [Insert Link to original page] (experimental).[/uli]
[uli]Support link to fragment.[/uli]
[uli]Avoid interference with IETab.[/uli]
[uli]Fixed conversion rule of filename.[/uli]
[uli]Fixed failed to load attachment files when Content-Location of root document is leafname.[/uli]
[uli]Change the encoding of HTML/CSS document to quoted-printable.[/uli]
[uli]Prepend BOM to UTF-8 document on saving.[/uli]
[uli]Fixed fail to convert link inside MHT correctly.[/uli]
[uli]Replace action attribute of FORM element.[/uli]
[uli]Replace # and ! to _ in saving filename on Windows environment.[/uli]
[uli]Updated many locales.[/uli]

Изменения в версии 5.2.0

  • Add [Save as MHT + additional files] feature (you can choose it by file type in saving dialog).
  • Add save selection as MHT feature.
  • Save non-HTML tab to single MHT file in [Save all tabs as MHT].
  • Changed handling mechanism from nsIContentHandler to nsIDocumentLoaderFactory.
  • Changed status indicator of [Save all tabs as MHT].
  • Fixed message is not shown on overwrite confirm dialog of [Save all tabs as MHT].
  • Fixed abort button does not work on overwrite confirm dialog of [Save all tabs as MHT].
  • Fixed failed to save XML Document.
  • Fixed UnMHT does not work on Thunderbird.
  • Fixed fail to open the MHT file which contains upper-case letters in Content-Type header.
  • Support the MHT file which newline code is not uniformed.
  • Make base64 decoder more flexible.
  • Fixed failed to open the file which has complex Content-Location header.

UnMHT 5.6.8

Размер: 316 Кбайт
Автор расширения: Nicolas FROIDURE
Домашняя страница: http://www.unmht.org/unmht/en_index.html
Перевод на русский язык: есть
Дата последнего обновления: 06.12.2010
Совместимоcть: ffico.png 1.0 - 4.0.* 

Установить 5.6.8

История версий

UnMHT 5.7.0

Размер: 316 Кбайт
Автор расширения:     arai_a
Домашняя страница: http://www.unmht.org/unmht/en_index.html
Перевод на русский язык: есть
Дата последнего обновления: 02.09.2011
Совместимоcть: [firefox] 1.0 - 6.* [fennec] 0.1 - 2.0a1  [thunderbird] 2.0 - 3.0 [seamonkey] 1.0 - 2.0 [flock] 1.0 - 1.1.* [netscape] 8.0 - 9.0.*

Установить 5.7.0

История версий