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Другие программы на движке Mozilla » K-Meleon 1.5 (альфы, беты, гаммы и прочие релизы) » 20-08-2008 00:40:23

Hi all,

Sorry to enter in your thread, but I don't understand russian.

I just ought that Quicksilver translate these two strings for a modification of K-Meleon Setup to add the possibility to specify that the use will be made under Linux.

LangString SECT_Linux             ULANG "Use ${NAME} under Linux"
LangString DESC_SecLinux        ULANG "${NAME} will be used under Linux with Wine."

Send me the answer on my mail


I will probably ask you for KMES Setup Strings translation.


Другие программы на движке Mozilla » K-Meleon 1.1.x » 16-08-2007 23:28:50

The new version is online on my site in english, french, german, spanish and russian.

As I said in the previous post, it would be better to purpose the download from one of your site to save my banwidth.


Другие программы на движке Mozilla » K-Meleon 1.1.x » 16-08-2007 09:27:36


The new version will be probably online today.

If you want to put it online on your russian site, there is no problem. It will save bandwidth on mine.


Другие программы на движке Mozilla » K-Meleon 1.1.x » 15-08-2007 23:43:06

Hi all,

I'm Alain Aupeix known as JujuLand, a K-Meleon maintener, I have finished the new 'Pocket K-Meleon' 1.1.2, in english,french, german, spanish and russian.

I have just a little problem, as I don't speak russian, to translate a sentence added at readme.html to present 'Pocket K-Meleon'.

If somebody is able to translate it (I first think of ragnaar or the guys who made the russian version), it would be nice.

Here is the texte to translate:

Notes about Pocket K-Meleon

*This version which has been initiated by Douglas McFadzean, has been realized by Alain Aupeix with the help of Douglas and guenter.
*This version has been made to allow the use of K-Meleon since an USB stick.
*This version is in fact just a standard version where jarfiles, exefiles and dllfiles have been compressed, where disk cache has been set to 0 (disactived) and favicons cache has been disabled.



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