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Firefox » Зачем Mozilla убирают поддержку Windows 7 в Firefox 116 и далее ? » 26-09-2023 18:11:32

I ask the Mozilla community to return these unfortunate ones, how many kilobytes or so are there? megabytes of code into the browser and not remove backward compatibility with Windows 7 in the next 20-25 years. You see, when Bill Gates created Microsoft, he was a very smart guy, he tried to make his system as open as possible, starting with MS-DOS and ending with Windows 7, what they did in Windows 8 and newer with drivers, I don’t have a name... but anyway However, everything became very bad. If it were somehow possible to include an unsigned driver, I would still be reconciled, but in this case I can’t. Therefore, I ask Mozilla to continue to support Windows 7 functionality in their browsers.

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